
How does it work?
  • Must hold a minimum of 1,000 FLUXB tokens.

  • No staking or lockup. Just HODL.

  • Reflections are distributed as FLUXB by default.

  • Rewards are distributed automatically every 12 hours.

What is my reflection comprised of?
  • 40% of all FluxBot transaction fees incurred.

  • 1.5% of all FLUXB volume traded.

  • Must hold at least 1000 FLUXB tokens.

How do i claim my reflection rewards?

Rewards are automatically distributed every 12 hours.

How are service fees generated?

FluxBot takes a 0.75% fee on selected services provided through the bot:

  • Token Swaps

  • Token Sniper

  • Limit Orders & DCA

  • Lending Quick Repayments

  • Lending Deposits

Token Tax reflections

50% of the accumulated taxes during the current 12-hour period. The remaining 50% is split evenly between operations (25%) and LP (25%).

Service fee reflections

40% of the accumulated fees during the current 12-hour period. The remaining 60% of service fees are issued to FluxBot Operations.


If you hold 10% of the total $FLUXB owned by all eligible holders, (those with 1,000 $FluxB or more) you'll receive 10% of the total reflections in the tax and service fee pools during that 12-hour period.

  • Reflections are calculated based on the supply of holders above the 1,000 FLUXB minimum.

  • Holders with less than 1,000 FLUXB are not eligible for reflections.

  • The example assumes a volume of 1,000 SOL in the reflection period (12 hours).

  • The example assumes a transaction fee amount of 100 SOL in the reflection period (12 hours).


Last updated